NeuroFest November 2020: Rehabilitation

Our NeuroFest took place from 11th – 18th November 2020 and allowed participants to discuss key topics and to hear from experts, including people living with neurological conditions.
Our third session on 13th November was for our member organisations only and rehabilitation was top of the list of topics which members wished to consider.
This session provided the opportunity for participants to discuss how best to ensure people with neurological conditions can access the right rehab in light of Covid-19 disruptions.
Chairing the session; Lord Dubs,
Amanda Swain Vice-Chair of UKABIF and Consultant Practitioner in Neurorehabilitation,
Mike Dilley, Consultant in rehabilitation.
Mary Douglas, who lives with MS, who spoke about the disruptions to her care during COVID-19. Link to Soundcloud
Presentation Slides
Available to member charities on request
Video Presentations
Available to member charities on request
Outcomes and next steps
We are campaigning hard for improved rehabilitation for people with neurological conditions. Most recently, this included working with a number of our member charities to raise the issue with cross-party Parliamentary groups in Westminster. In 2021, we will continue to work with partners from across the sector to improve our evidence about how rehab services could have the staff and investment they need, as well as continuing to call for national leadership on rehab for people with neuro conditions to be established.