AGM and Members’ Meeting 2024
Our AGM and Members’ Meeting took place at NCVO near King’s Cross, London on Thursday 28th November 2024.
Key speakers
Dr Stella Vig, National Clinical Director for Elective and Secondary Care, NHS England, stressed the need for radical change now to improve care. The NHS 10 year health plan is a priority, an important listening exercise and a real opportunity to influence genuine change and transform care. Is a clear need to address silo working in long-term planning It is time for revolutionary ideas to transform care rather than small changes to existing systems and services that are no longer working. The Elective Care Strategy is in development and The Neurological Alliance will being engaging with this.
Andrew Gwynne MP, Under-Secretary of State at the Department of Health and Social Care, confirmed that a UK-wide Neuro Forum will be set up to find ways to improve care and support for people affected by neurological conditions. He stressed his commitment to listening to and engage with the neuro community and voluntary sector.
Tully Kearney MBE – Gold-medal winning Paralympic swimmer Tully Kearney spoke about the transformative impact of sport in her life, the impact of living with cerebral palsy and dystonia, the variations in care she experiences, and her hope that the Neuro Forum will address this unwarranted variation and increase access to specialists for everyone affected by neurological conditions. Tully also discussed her drive to make sport more inclusive, and her ambition to set up a network of local frame running clubs to make the sport more accessible.
Our review of the year also included pre-recorded videos from:
Dr Niran Nirmalananthan, National Clinical Director for Neurology, NHS England – watch the video here.
Nicky Cowsill, lived experience partner, Neurological Alliance Scotland Trustee and co-founder, Neuro Hebrides – watch the video here.
Changes to the Trustee Board
Heartfelt thanks to our departing trustees who have given so much time and wisdom during their time on the board. A particular thanks to our previous Chair, David Martin. Marc Smith (Brain and Spine Foundation), and Chris James (MNDA), and independent trustees Dr Ralph Gregory and, David Garmon-Jones stood down from the board during the year. Our thanks also to Amanda Swain (UKABIF) who stepped down at the 2024 AGM.
A warm welcome to our new trustees, as they step up the challenge, bringing unique expertise and insights to the board trustees. The following trustees were elected to The Neurological Alliance Board at the AGM:
- Richard Evans, MND Association
- Lucy Taylor, MS Trust
- Tony Lloyd, West Berkshire Neurological Alliance
New trustees were also appointed to the board during the year – Adine Adonis, Mike Dilley and Gideon Schulman.
Learn more about the Board of Trustees here.
Annual report and accounts
Treasurer Kripen Dhondra gave a review of the financial year. The accounts for the year 2023/2024 were approved.
Our annual report and accounts are available to download here.
Save the date: AGM 2025
The next AGM will take place on 27 November 2025. Please contact us at for details of how to register.