Rare Disease

March 6, 2024

Unpacking the 2024 England Rare Disease Action Plan 

Rare Disease Day 2024 (29/02/2024) saw the publication of the third England Rare Disease Action Plan. Rare conditions are individually rare but collectively common, affecting 1 in 17 people in the UK at some point in their lifetime. Almost half of the 7,000 known rare conditions are neurological. The latest action plan builds on the […]
Rare Disease Day 2023!
February 28, 2023

Department of Health and Social Care commits to improved diagnosis and education for rare conditions

A year on from the publication of the first Rare Diseases Action Plan for England, the Department of Health and Social Care has issued a 2023 action plan. This second action plan includes 13 new actions “to ensure that everyone living with a rare disease gets the treatment, care and support they need”. The action […]