Mental health
Our response to the Major Conditions Strategy call for evidence
Today, The Neurological Alliance is submitting a response to the government’s call for evidence for the Major Conditions Strategy. The scope of the strategy as currently stated neglects to include hundreds of neurological conditions. Our response to the call for evidence addresses this. All members of the Alliance were invited to input into our response […]
Recognising mental wellbeing needs: our response to the Government’s mental health and wellbeing call for evidence
Mental health and wellbeing affect us all, but don’t affect us all equally. People with neurological conditions are more likely to need mental health support than those without. While this is also true of people with other long-term health conditions, there is a unique, complex and often poorly understood interplay between the physical and the […]
Improving mental health: join us in responding to the Government’s call for evidence
We welcome the Government’s call for evidence to develop a 10 year plan to improve mental health for everyone across the UK. Help make sure the neurological community is represented and join us in submitting a response. We know that living with a neurological condition, or caring for someone who does, can affect every part […]