Membership types and subscriptions

Membership types


Full membership is open to national voluntary (non-statutory, non-profit) organisations who represent patients, service users, families and carers, who in addition to the full benefits of membership, will have a right to vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), have the right to nominate a trustee and an opportunity to influence our strategic direction. Subscriptions are income assessed.

Full affiliate membership is open to regional neurological alliances operating on a non-statutory, non-profit basis. Affiliate members will pay a subscription rate which is not income assessed.


Associate status is open to non-profit professional associations and statutory authorities who will play an active part in the Alliance but do not have the right to nominate a trustee or vote at the AGM. Subscriptions are income assessed.

Regional associations of neurological organisations are also associates. They are staff led groups and will pay a subscription rate which is not income assessed.

Corporate supporters

Corporate supporter status is open to for-profit organisations, who cannot vote at the AGM or nominate a trustee, and cannot influence our policy direction, but are able to participate in Alliance events and keep up to date with policy and news affecting people with a neurological condition. Corporate supporter status is not income assessed.

Our current corporate supporters are:

  • Abbvie
  • Biogen
  • Lundbeck
  • Merck Serono
  • Novartis
  • Pfizer
  • Roche
  • Sanofi
  • Sandoz
  • Teva
  • UCB

Please read through our relationships policy which ensures that in seeking and securing non-member funding the Alliance has a clearly understood way of working, underpinned by high ethical principles.

Costs of Membership subscriptions with effect from 1st July 2024

In May 2024 the Board of Trustees agreed to continue to freeze membership subscriptions at 2022 rates as in the table below. Please note the subscription costs listed below are only for members and associates (and not corporate supporters):

Regional group£1£1
Under £5,000£5£5
Under £30,000£31£31
Under £50,000£51£51
Under £100,000£109£109
500k–1 million£750£750
1–2 million£1,156£1,156
2–5 million£2,707£2,707
5–10 million£5,803£5,803
10–20 million£11,604£11,604
20 million plus£17,019 £17,019